Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Testimonials on FlameOut!

The big positive about EPA/DHA vs EFAs is that EPA/DHA are already in their "reduced" form; and can be used directly by the body. EFAs if you want to get them to EPA/DHA, the body needs to have some enzymes act on them and convert them. This enzymatic conversion rate is much debated, but the current thought is that by supplementing directly with EPA/DHA directly you don't have to worry about this conversion.

Flameout is a great product in my opinion. The research on CLA is not as good yet in my opinion as EPA/DHA (well in humans that is, CLA is amazing if you are a rat). I look at the CLA content as a nice bonus in Flameout.

Either way, fish oil is good!

Flameout is actually a pretty decent product. Yeah, you can buy it all in bulk, but the nice thing about Flameout is that it's pretty high-dosed and has all the right stuff in it so you don't have to take 10 caps a day.

My clients use Flameout or Carlson's. Both have produced great results. The only reason I mentioned Carlson's, instead of Flameout, was because Flameout isn't available to many people in the world who have problems with customs. And Carlson's is available almost anywhere.

But given the choice, Flameout is better because it contains CLA, too.

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